Best Yoga Mudra For Strengthen Your Nervous System

In Indian philosophy, it is believed that the entire cosmic universe emerged from the golden cosmic womb called as Hiranyagarbha. It is also called the Bhrahma Yoni or the divine womb. So the word Yoni represents womb. You will find it interesting to know that there is a mudra called as Yoni Mudra. which replicates the feeling of being in the womb by the withdrawal of the sensory inputs. This will also stop the unnecessary chattering of your mind to provide the silence needed to understand life clearly.

The Yoni Mudra is a unique psycho-physical technique practiced at the Yoga Institute.

Let us see how to hold the Yoni Mudra.

The starting position is to sit in padmasana or any other meditative pose if you are not able to sit on the floor then sit on a firm chair but see that your back is straight erect keep your back straight above the waist and close your eyes place your thumbs on the ears and the index finger press gently on the eyelashes place the middle finger on the respective nostril the ring finger is placed above the lips and the little fingers below the lips ensure that your elbows are at shoulder level, parallel to the ground.

Here in this position, passively just observe your breath. The mind may wander in other thoughts, but gently bring it back on the breath. For best results, it is recommended that practice this yoni mudra every day for 5 to 10 minutes. When you practice this mudra regularly, you will find the eternal sounds of the universe resonate within your entire being. People who are depressed may find this mudra challenging. In that case, they can do this, but they should count the number of the breaths.

Benefits of Yoni Mudra

Yoni Mudra is beneficial to strengthen your nervous system as it provides the necessary pause required from the bombardment of the sensory inputs. In this way, it brings the distracted mind to attentive one pointedness and provide clarity of the thoughts.

You will be amazed to find how Yoni mudra enables you to withdraw your senses. Our senses are normally directed towards the outside world, but here it can be directed inwards to experience the universe within. This can be compared to a tortoise.

In fact, in Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, Shlok 58 points this out clearly.

“Yada Sanharate Chayam Kurmo ’nganiva Sarvashah Indriyanindriyarthebhyas Tasya Prajna Pratishthita”

This means that when a person is able to withdraw all his senses from the sense object, so just as tortoise withdraws its lips into its shells, The moment it perceives danger outside, you too can withdraw your senses inwards and save your energy and calm your nerves.